How to Contribute
re-using components, pooling resources and sharing best practices benefits everyone in the community and ensures our projects remain online and maintained for the decades to come
During the past years a growing number of projects from small to large have decided to publish their materials with the TEI Publisher. It gives us all not only the opportunity but also the responsibility to make the project thrive for years to come and to make it truly sustainable option for XML publishing!
While we are very happy with the achievements so far, we still have a much broader vision to fulfill. To make this happen we invite the community to contribute to the project - by means of code, ideas, documentation, tutorials and funding.
Become a Member or Supporter
We would be thrilled if you can convince your organization to become a member of e-editiones. Institutional membership gives our society the best leverage when applying for funding or infrastructural support. If this is difficult in your institution, consider to join the society as an individual.
Add your project to our registry
We love to hear back from people and organizations who use software or resources curated by e-editiones. Add your project, however large or small, to our registry. We are more than happy to list initiatives already at an early stage of development. Your entry informs us of the reaches of our community and demonstrate impact to the funding bodies. It also fosters communication and collaboration between the projects.
Source Code on Github
Found a bug? Miss a feature? File an issue on our GitHub. Even better if you can help us by sharing your fixes and features. Don't be shy to make a Pull Request!
Help with funding
We're happy to join funding bids which relate to the goals of our society or accept partners contributing seed funds to the proposals we make. Need a feature but can't finance it in full? Please get in touch and we'll try to pool resources within our community to make it happen. Last but not least, we have a Donate button and your contributions go into open source development.
Share your expertise
There are community members who struggle with one or another aspect of their project. Help and mentor others - publish teaching materials, answer questions and troubleshoot problems other users may have on our Slack workspace, mailing list and other forums. Enhance our FAQ. We also welcome contributions to our website discussing particular use cases, best practices or solutions.
Translations on Crowdin
Thanks to our international user community, TEI Publisher is already localized into 20 languages! If you could help us with a new translation or review an existing one, please go to Crowdin to make the TEI Publisher even more international. Just one hour of your time can make a huge difference.
TEI Examples
To make the TEI Publisher as versatile as possible we are looking for TEI examples which can be used for development, tests and also for teaching. Create new or enhance existing example documents and ODDs so we present showcases for various TEI applications. The collection is hosted on GitHub.
Tell people about us
Follow us on Mastodon, LinkedIn and Twitter. Repost and like related posts.
We'll be grateful for credit on your project page, so just grab the most fitting logo from GitHub. If you are a already a member of e-editiones you are especially encouraged to use our member logo.